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MEOW Podcast Ep. 14: Chuck Palahniuk, The Pixie Project, and a Reading of 'Phoenix'

In this episode, we celebrate Fight Club author Chuck Palahniuk’s devotion to animal welfare; namely, his support of The Pixie Project, a Portland-based animal rescue facing an unprecedented inflow of “pandemic remorse” animals: those adopted during COVID lockdowns now facing an uncertain future because their owners want to “travel more.” For more on how you can help Chuck help The Pixie Project, visit his Substack.

As added incentive, we’ve included a reading of Palahniuk’s Phoenix, a 2015 short story attesting to the apocalyptic power of a feline scorned. This reading is presented in cat language.

The human-language original can be found here.

MEOW is the first and only literary podcast for your cat, conceived and presented in its native language.

This podcast is sustained by sales of our debut book, Meow: A Novel (For Cats).

Praise for Meow: A Novel

"Breathtaking... a revelation." - Stubbs, Unaltered Domestic Shorthair

"Meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow. Meow? Meow." - Joan Didion

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